average don hertzfeldt fan

Age 16, Male


end of a broken pole

Joined on 12/25/22

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SuperBro914's News

Posted by SuperBro914 - March 31st, 2023

hey y'all. so, i've started making a music video for lemon demon's "a mask of my own face." i'm aiming to have it out by easter (so next sunday) but if i don't finish it by then, i MIGHT now have enough time to work on it because we're 75% sure we'll be going on a road trip this spring break. i'll be documenting it on my youtube alt account if we do end up going on it. click here to go to my alt account. i also want to get a video out by tomorrow because it's april fools day so hahahahahahahah.

as for my album, teethpocalypse, by my band, wisdom teeth, things have been going pretty good for that as well. i've written the lyrics for two of the songs, but i'll get more work done on that this weekend. i love making music and i hope that you guys can support me by watching my videos and giving them good votes.

that's pretty much all that i had to say. i shall return to my slimy cocoon now. i will see you in another life (probably in a week lmao)



Posted by SuperBro914 - March 25th, 2023

hey guys, i just wanted to spread the word for the indiegogo page for the upcoming logan whitehurst documentary by littlbox. i can't donate unfortunately, so i'm trying to make up for it by posting about it on all my socials.

indiegogo link

littlbox tweet

plz donate if you can. thank you for your time.


Posted by SuperBro914 - March 18th, 2023

i'm making this post to bump that philosophical rant off my page, but also because have 13 news posts means bad luck and i don't want that. nothing else i had to say, but just know that i am hard at work with some new screenplays that are turning out great!



Posted by SuperBro914 - March 18th, 2023

i've been writing alot more then animating recently. i think it's because i want to get all my ideas down somewhere where i possibly can. so when you spend most of your free time writing, it really gets to you. you know, endlessly staring at a white screen that just has a bunch of words on it. sure, you can visualize things through your writing, but my mind keeps telling me, "what's the point? you're just writing a bunch of random symbols on a blank screen. if an illiterate person saw this, they'd just see it as a bunch of nonsense." my soul on the other hand, thinks otherwise. my soul says, "writing creatively is truly a beautiful thing. people can use their imaginations to visualize worlds that would normally be beyond someone's comprehension, but with the power of creativity, you can make the impossible, possible.

i feel like i'm constantly guided in life by two sides of myself. my physical brain (exists in physical plane) that is more cynical about both traditional morals that can be considered outdated, and new ideas that don't really seem like good ideas. then there's my metaphysical soul (exists in astral plane) that is more about creativity and being open-minded and kind. both the brain and the soul control the mind, which in turn controls you. if one is depressed and has lost all faith in life, then their soul has been untethered from their body, while their cynical brain is still operating by itself. the brain needs the soul to function in the physical plane, and when there is no soul, you're just a body operating through bodily functions. you're on auto-pilot essentially. in order to get yourself back into place, your soul needs to find it's way back into your body. only then will you have true consciousness again on the physical plane.

Posted by SuperBro914 - March 2nd, 2023

hey newgrounds, just thought i'd stop by to tell you guys what music videos that i'd like to make in the future, in addition with the projects that i announced last post. after making "everything you know is wrong" on youtube, i have found that i have grown fond of making music videos. so, i'll just provide the list now.

"Weird Al" Yankovic

  • My Bologna
  • Another One Rides the Bus
  • The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota

The Beatles

  • Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
  • When I'm Sixty-Four
  • Eleanor Rigby

They Might Be Giants

  • Everything Right is Wrong Again
  • I Left My Body

some songs from my band, wisdom teeth

Wisdom Teeth

  • Dropped the Soap
  • I Was Turned Into a Frog!
  • The Ballad of Don Hertzfeldt
  • Winsor McCay vs. Chuck Jones

so, yeah. that's basically all the music videos i have in mind. for those that don't know, i have a band called wisdom teeth. we play comedic psychedelic/alternative rock. our first album, teethpocalypse, is in the works.


Posted by SuperBro914 - February 25th, 2023

i haven't worked on any cartoons much over the course of the break because i've been pretty busy this week. don't ask, but there was a bunch of shit going on in my personal life. and i don't think i'll be able to work as fast i did in winter break during spring break because me and my family are probably going to go on a road trip. we aren't 100% sure if the trip is even happening, but it's very promising. we're around 87% sure at the moment, and spring break starts in 40 days from now (that's 28 1/2 school days!) so that's gonna be happening. but don't worry, i have still been working on the cartoons as much as i can, and will continue to be working on them. like i've said many times before, unlike last year, where i didn't upload cartoons for the majority of early-mid 2022 because i was just lazy, now, i'm actually working on the cartoons that i want to work on. now that i am here, i guess i can tell you guys about the smaller projects that i'm making on the side. these cartoons being:

  • Giraffe Animutation
  • Out of the Tablet
  • Taking Out the Trash

i've haven't worked much on these, as i'm hella focused on horoscopes, but these are all gonna take a long ass time, so plz just be patient. giraffe animutation will probably come out before horoscopes tho.

that's all i have to say rn, so...see ya guys later!



Posted by SuperBro914 - February 19th, 2023

huh!? what's this!? another news post? you know what that means! it's update'n time! still don't have alot of time, so let's make this quick.

  • HOROSCOPES: still being written, tho the intro to the cartoon is being animated.
  • THE END: also still being written. no animation work has begun yet.
  • DEMENTIA: currently still in the conceptual stage
  • TEETHPOCALYPSE: songs are still being written. none have been recorded yet.

so yeah, that's really all that's been going on rn. i'm going out to the mall tomorrow, so i won't be able to do any work tomorrow. personal shit going on wednesday, but i'll probably still be able to do work that day tho. that's all i can say at the moment, and i'll see all of y'all later.


Posted by SuperBro914 - February 10th, 2023

i have returned to this blog briefly to shamelessly advertise my alt account on youtube. click on this sketchy link to see the empty page that probably won't be empty if you're reading this ten years after it's posted. or maybe it's a dead link who knows? but it leads to the account at the time of posting this. if it's a dead link in the future, HAHA YOU CAN'T WATCH THE VIDEOS THAT WERE THERE GET REKT!!! i'm just gonna be posting random crap on it and my stupid 14 year old brain will probably forget about it next week.

now, i was also gonna make the BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT about my-um, (smacks lips) shit, i forgot what i was gonna say. oh well, idc.


Posted by SuperBro914 - February 9th, 2023

alright, you read the title. we gotta skip the small talk cuz i don't have alot of time rn. here's all the thing that you can expect from me soon.

  • HOROSCOPES: this is a cartoon that is about...well, guess!
  • DEMENTIA: my first foray outside of the genre of comedy! this cartoon is about an old man who suffers from dementia. he goes on a journey throughout his hallucinations while simultaneously experiencing flashes of his past life.
  • THE END: i've been talking about this one alot. it's a series that i'm making that's still in the writing phase, so i can't say too much about it now. what i will say is that it takes place sometime in the future and it's in space! yay!
  • TEETHPOCALYPSE: my debut album. still writing lyrics to the songs, but they'll mostly be comedic psychedelic rock. i'm only gonna make music videos for three out of the ten songs on the album. it's also gonna have a sick piece of cover art.

that's all i have to say now. there's more that's in the works, but those won't be ready for a long-ass time. cya guys later.


Posted by SuperBro914 - February 5th, 2023

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG OUT NOW!!! you can watch the cartoon right here. like i said before, i won't be uploading the video onto newgrounds because i don't want it to get taken down. the cartoon took a total of 44 days to make, and it was the most hardest things that i have ever made. now, the real question is...now what? well, now that i am done with the music video i can focus on making smaller content for both youtube and newgrounds. i'll also be working on my new miniseries "the end" which i am still writing at the moment. i'm also in the process of making this small little webcomic thing, which is also turning out very nicely. the only big thing that i am working on right now is the end. for right now, you'll probably only see some small things from me, but my animation skills are undoubtedly getting better. if you want to see more from me, you can follow me on twitter, or join my discord server, or even better, do both. twitter link discord link. aight that's all from me, and i'll see all of y'all later. peace ✌️
