average don hertzfeldt fan

Age 16, Male


end of a broken pole

Joined on 12/25/22

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SuperBro914's News

Posted by SuperBro914 - February 1st, 2023

just a short little update. not that long, so plz read. i am ALMOST finished with the music video, but a new problem has risen. i am now SICK. now, i can animate in bed, but that just won't work for me, cuz i tend to not like to use my brain while i'm sick. wait, aren't i using it now? wait, brain numbing. bro slowly bcemonig mroe and mroe stoopid. ok, enough of that. the vid is almost finished, so when i recover from this cold, i will be able to finish it up quickly, and-there is a big blob of snot dripping out of my nose rn. aight, see ya guys when the vid comes out. peace ✌️

tl;dr: got sick and can't animate till i get better


Posted by SuperBro914 - January 15th, 2023

what up broothers. been a while since we last spoke. thought i would give you guys a small update on what's going on and GOD FUCKING DAMN IT SOMEONE KEEPS PINGING ME ON DISCORD!!!!1/ so, about that new music video i'm making? well, production has honestly sped up somehow. i've been able to balence school and animation throughout january, and it is actually realistic to get this out by late january-early february. BUT, there is one small problem. i'm on the bridge of the song rn, and i've been planning on making this big stop-motion scene for said bridge, but stop-motion studio (the app i use for stop-motion on my phone) is being a bitch and won't let me record audio. i've been trying to get this whole thing sorted out over the course of the weekend. luckily, we have a three day weekend over here in the US, so i'm gonna try to get that whole thing sorted out by tomorrow. god damn it, i lost my train of thought because of this twitter notification and OH FUCK CAN MY DISCORD PINGS JUST SHUT THE HELL UP FOR 5 MINUTES?????// in the days i was trying to sort out the stop-motion problem, i made a short little cartoon that you can watch right here, right now I honestly like making these short little dadaist animations (regardless of the name, but shut the fuck about that [god damn, i'm cursing so much in this post {wow, more parenthesis about cussing. how original!}]) i want to make more of these dadaist things, and i will in the future. they are mostly inspired by neil cicierega's animutations. i think i mentioned that i was also working on another project (i don't know if i mentioned it here, but i most definitely said it on my tumblr blog) but i'm gonna shelf that for a little while. currently, all my attention is currently focused on the music video, my screenplay, and my dadaist series of animations. i don't think i'll continue it even after i finish the music video, but i will revisit it sometime in the DISTANT FUTURE!!!11/// i have so many new ideas for my youtube channel, and this newgrounds account! i just want to pour all of them out at once to my newgrounds and youtube account, but that will take alot of time. so anyways, that's all i needed to say right now, and thx for readi-CAN MY DISCORD JUST SHUT TF UP!!!!!111111///////?????/////-ng this.

hope you have a glorious day, cherish every moment of your life, and touch grass.


EDIT: stop-motion studio is still not being nice to me, but i have come up with an alternative for the scene. i can't say much now, because it'll take much too long to explain, but just know that things are working out now.

Posted by SuperBro914 - January 5th, 2023

sup broothers. i didn't intend to give you guys this many updates on such a short timespan, but i do need to discuss a few things. like i said last time, production has slowed on the new cartoons since school has started again. i have gotten a little bit of things done since last update, but things are gonna start getting even slower (if that was even possible) as midterms are starting in two weeks. tho, i am far enough into making the cartoon to say its a music video. it contains copyrighted music, which is why i won't be uploading it on newgrounds and i'm posting it on youtube. you'll probably be asking "if it's gonna be on youtube, then why not just make a community post?" it's because the first thing you see when you click on my newgrounds page is the latest news post. i do have more subscribers on youtube, but i want people to see this. i'll try to get as much done on the cartoon today as possible, but i'll probably be able to only get real progress done on the weekends.

hope you have a glorious day, cherish every moment of your life, and touch grass.



Posted by SuperBro914 - January 1st, 2023

well, happy new year ya dream stans and elon musk dick riders. production on the new animations will slow now that i have to go back to school on tuesday, but these two things will come out most likely by early-mid february (i do post on twitter what frame i'm on sometimes) after i'm done with these things, i'll start experimenting with new and old styles of animation. i still don't know what will come of this newgrounds account, aside from uploading/reuploading content from youtube, but maybe i can make stuff similar to dvd menus for my longer vids. i've always liked those.

in other news, i might start making music. i've been thinking about making parody songs (similar to "weird al' yankovic) and also making animated music videos. i do have some really great ideas for parody music, but i'm not gonna start making that any time soon. maybe in the summer, but who knows. last time i said that i went into a hibernation over the summer, and didn't upload a video until halloween. but i'm going to make sure that doesn't happen. you see, what usually happens is i go to school, come home, do homework, and all day i'll say "oh boy, oh boy, i sure do want to make a video!" then when i'm done with homework, i'll get too tired and lazy and sleep on it. but i have made sure that didn't happen in late-2022. anyways, this won't happen again. i'll see y'all at like 1pm on my tumblr blog and discord server or whenever the hell i wake up. i'm gonna go enjoy new years with my family.

hope you have a glorious day, cherish every moment of your life, and touch grass.


Posted by SuperBro914 - December 28th, 2022

you can find more updates about what i'm doing on twitter and tumblr, but i thought that i might as well post some here. i've been animating 2 of my biggest projects ever over the course of the break. which is great! there's just one problem. school. currently, in the usa (where i'm located) kids are on winter break. and i've basically been animating these projects non-stop since christmas eve. this is because i want to get as much done as i can before school starts again, and i won't be able to get as much by then. i have alot of time on my hands for this week, but once school starts again, i'll barely have time to animate at all. if i continue to animate at this rate, both things will probably be done by late january, but realistically, they'll be done anywhere between mid february, and early march. then again, i'm in one of the few states that has mid-winter break, so i'll be able to animate as much as i'm animating now. nevertheless, you'll be able to see more updates on my tumblr and discord server, and if you join my server, you'll probably be able to get to talk to me, face to face (ignore the face to face comment i just made because you won't be physically talking to me. you'll just be sending messages. theoretically, if i insert my primary consciousness into the internet, then maybe you'll technically be talking to me face to face, but i digress)

tldr; i'm animating 2 big things that won't be done anytime soon

Posted by SuperBro914 - December 25th, 2022

hey there buddies. bro speaking. if you don't know who i am, i'm some terrible animator guy from youtube and twitter. I wanted to start a new grounds because this platform is so much better than youtube, especially because of the content that i make. i'm probably just gonna reupload some of my content from youtube, but i do have some big plans for what i want to do here

my socials:



discord server

production journal (tumblr)

see ya later broothers